
Nouns / phrases: Nature, our relationship with nature. The physical world, materialism, (laws of) physics, biology. Body(relationship); the body's needs and functions, physical activities. Life, vitality, slow, but constant growth, thriving, life-force, strong and very stable energy, energy reserves. Roots, grounding. Belonging, ancestry. Steadfastness, robustness. Inflexibility: lack of physical manoeuvrability, occupational immobility, lack of interest in travelling, unwillingness to move house, inability to rethink. Opposite of spiritualism and intellectualism – pragmatism. Down-to-earth life style; focus on bodily needs/functions.  
To do things in/with nature; to create physical objects. To do something for the body or with the body (e.g. sports). To live, grow, thrive, mature. To (en)root, ground oneself, belong. To have both feet firmly on the ground. To be inflexible, e.g. to not move on/away; to not change one's thinking.
Natural, physical, physiological, material, biological. Alive, living, vital, growing, thriving. Bodily. (Deep)rooted, enrooted, grounded, belonging, ancestral. Steadfast, robust, healthy. Inflexible in the sense of not versatile. Down-to-earth, pragmatic.

As a person:
Someone with the above qualities. Especially: someone down-to-earth, deeply rooted or calm, but full of vitality. An ancestor.

As advice:
Stop overthinking! Stop living in a fantasy world, let go of pseudo-scientific woo! Take care of the human/bodily basics! Negatively: Don't obsess over your body! Try to be a bit more versatile.

Time factor *) : Long time spans, traditionally: a year. Slowly, but constantly. All of one's life.

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