
Nouns / phrases: Ideology (productive or harmful). (Unquestioned) beliefs, convictions. Dogma, dogmatic thinking and acting, absolutism, intolerance. Indoctrination. Principles; adherence to principles. Life's work, one's calling, a task or quest. Fate/destiny, predetermination. Strokes of fate. Duties, responsibilities, burden. Hardship, exertion, travail, struggle, exhaustion, pain, suffering. Traditionally also: religion, religiosity.  
To believe something "religiously" - very strongly, without questioning it. To convince, or be convinced. To indoctrinate, or proselytize. To make absolute / render something in terms of absolutes. To not tolerate. To adhere to something firmly. To predetermine. To follow one's calling, or work hard. To fulfil a task, or follow a quest. To do one's duty. To take on responsibilities. To be responsible. To carry a burden, or burden someone. To shoulder something. To exert, travail, struggle, hurt, suffer.
Ideological. Convinced, dogmatic, absolutist, intolerant. Uncritical, unquestioned. Fateful, predestined. Dutiful, responsible. Burdensome. Laborious, exhausting/exhausted, painful/ in pain.

As a person:
Person with the above attributes. Strong adherent of an ideology/religion. Someone who is on a quest. Person with a lot of responsibilities. Someone who is a burden for the querent. Someone who is working (too) hard, suffering.

As advice:
No excuses; no ifs, ands, or buts! Do your duty! Pull yourself together! Negatively: Don't be so dogmatic! Don't be so hard on yourself!

Time factor *) : Always, or never. If/when it's supposed to happen - you can't make it happen.
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