Please note that
the examples below are meant to be just that: examples. They are not in any sense exhaustive. Furthermore,they are constructed of individual meanings I myself use. If you use different keywords than I do your own combined meanings will look quite different. Also, what I did not take into account in these examples is the order of the paired cards (which card is left and which right). Lastly, if you want to learn more about how
to combine two cards' meanings
>> here
is an explanation of what works for me.
Sun-Rider Good news; someone or something brings welcome change; to be glad that something is finally happening. To feel pressed to always appear happy. Obtrusive happiness. Someone or something brings joy. Attack of someone's happiness. A joyful, easy approach. Fun activities. A very confident person; confidence.
To experience a little bit of joy and ease. Short-lived happiness. Being happy is easy. Total avoidance of anything uncomfortable. Being free of responsibilities, or getting rid of burdens, makes one happy. To be able be happy about one's luck. To celebrate an opportunity. An obvious opportunity. Something that really, really is NOT important at all, something completely trivial.
Sun-Ship A holiday trip; an outing; to go out; to be out and about a lot. To go where there's a lot of
warmth and sun. To look for happiness. To change things only on the surface. Joyful exploration; fun experiments. New experiences bring joy! Awareness that it's time to leave. To keep up appearances although we're very close to just leaving. Someone is strongly broadcasting that they won't commit. Joyful departure. Farewell party. Absence of joy.
Sun-House Happy family; joy about family/home. Family celebration; traditional holiday(s). Family (members) ignore conflicts/family secrets. Warmth within the home/family. To spend a day at home, or with one's family. Obvious plan; superficial planning. Awareness of family matters. The rules are clear (and no shades of grey allowed). Confidence in family/tradition/rules. Very established, stable confidence.
Sun-Tree High spirits; great physical energy; enormous positive vibes. To find joy in physical life; to find strength in an optimistic world view. Physical warmth or heat; fever. Growing warmth (metaphorically speaking). To spend a day in nature. Confidence in one's physical abilities. Very obviously healthy/strong. Awareness of physical processes, or of health-related issues.
Sun-Clouds Inability to see the positive side of things. Confusion or misunderstandings about what happiness means. Apparent clarity has deceit hidden in it; something which seems obvious really isn't. Something only seems obvious because we don't understand it. Pretend confidence. Light/heat are unbearable, so we go looking for shadow to cool down - metaphorically speaking. Secret joy. A dark cloud covers the sun (metaphorically speaking). Desperate attempts at having fun; something or someone tries to entertain but it doesn't work.
Sun-Snake To crave warmth, light, summer. To want to be popular and do everything to achieve
popularity. The talent to be positive about everything, to see the good aspects and focus on them. The (vain) effort to avoid anything that is sad or difficult. A party animal. To try to make things better, or more enjoyable. Confidently ambitious. Someone carries their selfishness on their sleeve.
Sun-Coffin The end of something happy or joyful. The loss of ease (to become serious). Or: a period of grief is over; it's time to let joy into one's life again. An ending which causes joy. A good, positive end. Celebration of an ending. To suppress one's joy. To not allow oneself to be happy. Superficial grief. The positive side of an ending. To let go of pretence.
Sun-Bouquet Party, celebration, congratulation, joyful gatherings. Superficial friendliness. Celebration of friendship; to find joy in cultivating friendships. Warm compliments, positive feedback. Great praise or appreciation. Pretty only on the surface. To please somebody. Making other people happy makes you happy, too!
Sun-Scythe to reap happiness. Joy about a good harvest (metaphorically speaking). The fun is over suddenly. Interrupted enjoyments. It's time to be serious! Killjoy. Cutting away unnecessary things, cleaning up, leads to ease, makes it possible to lighten up. To clear something up. To cut off anything which isn't conducive to one's happiness (or, less productively, to one's ease). Sudden end of confidence.
Sun-Whip To (justifiably) criticise someone or something for their shallowness. Negativity (or overanalysing) ruins perfectly good things. To spoil joy/fun with sarcasm. A show-fight. To feel guilty about being happy. To go into an argument confidently, or with a good mood. To enjoy arguing; to start arguments for fun. A heated argument. A conflict only on the surface.
Sun-Birds Very superficial chit-chat. Joyful, quick movements or dance; jokes and laughter. Circling thoughts and worries destroy happiness. Happy flutter. Erratic/fluctuating/unstable happiness. To be happy with chaos. Unstructured entertainment; to enjoy lots of different things. Glaring disorder. The mess doesn't go down very deep. Awareness of where there is disorder.
Sun-Child Childlike joy or childish enjoyment. Happiness about a child. Happy young person. Everything looks bright and easy because of a lack of experience with reality. Beginning of happiness; to make the first steps towards happiness. To spend the day with a child / to give one day to entertain one's inner child. Naive optimism. Small joy. Weak light. The beginning of day - morning. The first steps towards awareness, towards seeing something as it is.
Sun-Fox A deeply joyful sense of self. To enjoy oneself; to entertain oneself. To be happy for oneself or by oneself. Distrust anything that looks happy or easy - to be unable to just enjoy something because it might be false or over soon. To find great happiness in going one's own way, in being self-determined and self-reliant. Self-care in the form of putting oneself in bright, joyful situations.
Sun-Bear Very optimistic or popular leader, parent, or teacher. Someone who can teach you happiness. Life is dominated by optimism - or by the search for happiness. To have fun with a leading or parental role. Parenthood/teaching/leading brings happiness. A parent/leader/teacher who can't (or won't) deal with conflicts. Positive reinforcement. A dominant positive influence. An influence that doesn't go very deep.
Sun-Stars To dare to just be happy - to go where happiness is. The belief that the purpose in life is to be happy (and avoid pain?). To find happiness in a sense of connection with the world. Great hopes. Superficial wishes. Positive spiritual experiences. Confidence that things will turn out fine. Optimistic view of the future. A celebration of one's dreams. Spirituality for show - possibly annoying to others. Superficial spirituality, or a spirituality which only looks at the positive sides of life.
Sun-Stork A transformation causes happiness / happiness triggers transformation. A transformation of the view on what we need to be happy. A joyful inner journey. A change which stays on the surface. To emigrate to a warmer country. To yearn for sun / summer / light / holidays. Celebration of a transition. An optimist; someone who is by nature happy. To confidently transform. Superficial longings. To move away from superficiality. The return of someone or something makes us happy. Recurring joyful occasion.
Sun-Dog Happiness in a friendship; an easy friendship.
To share joy with a friend; celebration with/of a friend. Superficial friendship. To admire an idol.
Someone who is loyal and supportive only as long as we're popular. Someone supports someone else's happiness. An extroverted/confident friend. Confidence in a friend. To not question appearances.
Sun-Tower To enjoy solitude. To be very, very proud of one's position or popularity; high confidence. Everything is finally clear. Rationality makes things clear/obvious. Someone broadcasts their arrogance. Celebration of excellence. Appearance of authority. Conflict between someone who is outgoing and someone who is introverted.
Sun-Garden Fame; public recognition; public celebrations; to share joy with everyone. Something is extremely visible, exposed, to everyone. To enjoy networking / social media. To present as a happy/confident person. To go out during the day; to spend a day at a public venue. Festival. Someone keeps announcing things which are already obvious to everybody. To let the cat out of the bag but everybody already knew.
Sun-Mountain An obstacle to happiness. Happiness is curtailed. Difficulties with just being happy. Difficulties with seeing the bright side of things. To be unmoved by other people's happiness; inability to be happy for yourself or for others. Problems which maybe are not that relevant. To not feel like celebrating. A challenge that's fun. A very obvious obstacle. Something seems to be an obstacle only on the surface.
Sun-Crossroad To enjoy one's freedom, to be happy about a decision. Celebration of a choice. Good choice. To choose whatever is more pleasant, easier. An obvious choice; the alternatives are obvious. Awareness of alternatives. All kinds of enjoyments. Spend a day thinking about it! Ambiguous joy; relative happiness. Being more tolerant will make life easier for us. A different perspective on what we need to be happy.
Sun-Mice Lack of joy, optimism, or lightness. Dwindling joy, optimism, or lightness. Corruption of something which used to be bright and whole. To gloat; Schadenfreude. Unhealthy focus on only that which is easy, and happy. Tainted happiness; killjoy. Crabber, moaner - to takes someone's joy from them. To enjoy someone's plight.
Sun-Heart Celebration of love. Happiness in a relationship; an easy-going, loving relationship (which might) lack depth. Stop worrying about things - just soften up, open up, let yourself melt with the experience! Confident love. To broadcast one's love. Obvious love. Love makes things (seem) brighter. Forgiveness makes true happiness possible.
Sun-Ring Shared joy. A joyful connection. A superficial relationship; a link which is there but not very profound. To be committed to the search for happiness. To commit happily and easily. To promise happiness. An obvious connection. To prove a connection. Confidence in a relationship. Popular connection. Attachment to what makes one happy; to become attached to someone charismatic.
Sun-Book Positive facts; the truth makes one happy. Feel-good literature. Academic success; popularity as teacher. Charismatic scientist/professor. To broadcast one's knowledge; to seem knowledgable to others. To study during daytime. A celebration to do with one's education. To find great joy in intellectual pursuits. An obvious truth. To prove the truth. To show the truth. Something which seems true on the surface only, at first glance. To categorise something (or someone) as obvious, superficial, bright, happy, charismatic etc.
Sun-Letter Conversation about positive issues. Optimism concerning a conversation. To share joy; report of a positive event. Information about a celebration. Expressions of joy. Conversations which lack depth. To communicate what makes one happy. Communication makes things better. Joyful, warm ways of communicating. Conversations during daytime. Communication works better when one is wide awake. To communicate something very clearly. A very obvious expression of something.
Sun-Man (a) Man who is: sunny, warm, brilliant, glowing, clearly visible, superficial, awake, aware, conscious, easy-going, happy, joyful, merry, celebratory, charismatic, popular, famous, successful, confident, extroverted, optimistic. Obviously a man. Man who is the querent's sunshine. Man who broadcasts something very strongly. Strong male vibes. To make a man happy. To warm (up), brighten the mood of, a man. To show a man clearly that X; to proof to a man that X. To spend a day with a man. To wake a man up. To be aware or make aware of a man; to enjoy, have fun with, celebrate, a man or men in general. Possibly: to go on a vacation with a man. Man who doesn't hide his light under a bushel. Man keeps up appearances / to keep up appearances for a man.
Sun-Woman (a) Woman who is: sunny, warm, brilliant, glowing, clearly visible, superficial, awake, aware, conscious, easy-going, happy, joyful, merry, celebratory, charismatic, popular, famous, successful, confident, extroverted, optimistic. Obviously a woman. Woman who is the querent's sunshine. Woman who broadcasts something very strongly. Strong female vibes. To make a woman happy. To warm (up), brighten the mood of, a woman. To show a woman clearly that X; to proof to a woman that X. To spend a day with a woman. To wake a woman up. To be aware or make aware of a woman; to enjoy, have fun with, celebrate, a woman or women in general. Possibly: to go on a vacation with a woman. Woman who doesn't hide her light under a bushel. Woman keeps up appearances / to keep up appearances for a woman.
Sun-Man (a) Man who is: sunny, warm, brilliant, glowing, clearly visible, superficial, awake, aware, conscious, easy-going, happy, joyful, merry, celebratory, charismatic, popular, famous, successful, confident, extroverted, optimistic. Obviously a man. Man who is the querent's sunshine. Man who broadcasts something very strongly. Strong male vibes. To make a man happy. To warm (up), brighten the mood of, a man. To show a man clearly that X; to proof to a man that X. To spend a day with a man. To wake a man up. To be aware or make aware of a man; to enjoy, have fun with, celebrate, a man or men in general. Possibly: to go on a vacation with a man. Man who doesn't hide his light under a bushel. Man keeps up appearances / to keep up appearances for a man.
Sun-Woman (b) Woman who is: sunny, warm, brilliant, glowing, clearly visible, superficial, awake, aware, conscious, easy-going, happy, joyful, merry, celebratory, charismatic, popular, famous, successful, confident, extroverted, optimistic. Obviously a woman. Woman who is the querent's sunshine. Woman who broadcasts something very strongly. Strong female vibes. To make a woman happy. To warm (up), brighten the mood of, a woman. To show a woman clearly that X; to proof to a woman that X. To spend a day with a woman. To wake a woman up. To be aware or make aware of a woman; to enjoy, have fun with, celebrate, a woman or women in general. Possibly: to go on a vacation with a woman. Woman who doesn't hide her light under a bushel. Woman keeps up appearances / to keep up appearances for a woman.
Sun-(Sensual)Lily Great sensual (or sexual) enjoyment. To celebrate sexuality/sensual experiences. Intense heat, bright light. Popular artist; popular art work. Superficial physical relationship, or superficial worldview which focuses only on what's pleasurable. To make a lover happy / lover or sex makes you happy. A long, slow day; a harmonious day. A mature view of what makes one happy.
Sun-(Virtuous)Lily The virtue of shared joy because of a lack of envy. To find great joy in virtuous acts. To find true happiness in a frugal lifestyle. To do good things in order to become more popular. Superficial virtuousness. Peaceful ("quiet") happiness. Awareness of moral relevance. A peaceful ("quiet", undisturbed) day. The profound happiness which comes with wisdom. To spend one day fasting/forgoing something.
Sun-Sun*) Great joy. To radiate happiness. Superficial enjoyments; or joy which doesn't go very deep. Happy day(s). To spend a day with whatever one enjoys; to take a day off. Something extremely obvious. To prove the obvious. It's obviously good!
Sun-Moon Conflict between just wanting to be happy and having to confront something fearful. "They are like night and day!" Profound happiness. Shallow emotions. Warm, happy emotions. To spend day and night with something/someone. Happy dreams. Obvious emotions; to broadcast one's emotions very strongly. Happiness comes and goes. Obvious depth. To rest for a day. To sleep during the day. To stay awake a night. Awareness of one's emotions.
Sun-Key To let light and happiness into one's. To find out what is enjoyable, where happiness lies. An obvious solution. A superficial solution. Relief which is only a seeming, superficial, relief. To spend a day trying to find a solution. A day off, or a vacation, might open one's heart and mind to new things! Happy ease brings inspiration. To move on from what's obvious to whatever else is really there, below the surface.
Sun-Fish A LOT of happiness; too much entertainment. To seek lots of enjoyments; bad quality enjoyments. To look for happiness in accumulating money. Optimism concerning profit. Happiness is of great value. To be happy about one's business, or about financial success - to celebrate them. Obvious value. Something which is valuable only at first glance.
Sun-Anchor To be happy with the status quo; joyful everyday life. To try to hold on to happiness and ease; to always look on the bright side of life; to be in a state of stable happiness but maybe also superficiality. Celebration of having reached one's final destination. Happy ending.
Sun-Cross To find joy despite hardship. To celebrate welcome responsibilities. To ease suffering; to try and ignore anything that is difficult. To make light of hardship. To be(come) aware of dogmatic thinking. To look for happiness. Being burdened dampens our joy. To hide our light under a bushel. Superficial suffering; the burden is not that big.
Sun - Wild Card Conflict between something which is clear and obvious vs. something which is not clear-cut, indeterminate. Weirdly funny. There's great joy in something for you, but you haven't discovered it yet. An obvious question mark. An open question which isn't that important. To shine light on an unknown factor. Someone with strong oddball vibes. Someone broadcasts their genderqueerness confidently.
To spend a day with a genderqueer person.
A (possibly genderqueer) person with the attributes of the Sun (see the Sun' keywords).